Welcome to the official website of Jinzhou Tiansheng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.

  • 锦州天晟重工
  • 锦州天晟重工
  • 锦州天晟重工

Add:Tienan Industrial Park, Goubangzi, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province
Tel:(86)0416-6241777   6241888

Package details

No fixed point control hoist

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The non-fixed point control discharge winding machine is independently researched and developed by Jinzhou Tiansheng Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. being the lifting equipment of patented technology (patent No.: ZL 2012 2 0719776.5), able to perform remote operation, saving labor, and can realize automatic pull and reversing interlock control, avoiding phenomenon of pulling against each other, being safe and reliable for operation.

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